Small Habits > Goals

Adam Henning
2 min readJun 8, 2021
“Hey you”. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

How do we go about forming the kind of kickass habits that will lead up to the life we want to lead?

As we now know, having goals is great, but having habits (read: systems) is where the magic truly lies.


Goals are big, hairy and feel overwhelming -even when they inspire us.

Habits, on the other hand, are smaller, repeated tasks or actions that replaces that sickening feeling of, “how am I ever going to achieve this insurmountable goal?” with, “Ok, as long as I hit these habits today and every day going forward, I’ll eventually get to my goal.”

Say it with me now:

“Habits are the catalyst for an exceptional existence.”

And how do we create good habits? With one simple rule.

Keep them small. Ridiculously small.

  • Goal: Lose 10 kg in 6 months.
  • Habit: Replace just one fizzy cola drink with a glass of water. Then repeat it again tomorrow.
  • Goal: Write a book.
  • Habit: Write 50 words every day minimum.
  • Goal: Save more.
  • Habit: Identify one money-sink in your life (that extra cup of coffee from Starbucks that you don’t need) and eliminate it. Then find another money-sink next week and repeat the process.

Think big, but keep your actions small and you will succeed.

Further reading:

  • BJ Fogg — Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything
  • James Clear — Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
  • Stephen Guise — Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results



Adam Henning

Yoga Enthusiast. QA Engineer. Life-Long Learner. Reader of Things. Liver of Lives.